Monday, March 30, 2009

Today's Statrups Type 2: Taking your desktop with you.

Many things you had to keep or save on your desktop to be able to acess them some other time. You also must not forget to carry that computer with you to be able to make that presentation, check that website you saved or show family and friends your vacation pictures.

Thanks to new online services, now you can virtually always remember to carry the desktop with you.

Startups like help you access your bookmarked web pages from anywhere. you dont really have to carry your computer or a notepad around.

Slideshare hosts your slideshows, and you can easily give your colleagues or clients the link to your presentation.

Flickr holds your pictures for you. You only need a Yahoo account to start using Flickr.

Rapidshare hosts all your files to free up some space from that old desktop of yours, or just to make your uploaded files available wherever you are and there is access to the Internet.

This update of Today's Startups forcussed on web applications that will host your files, bookmarks and so on remotely.

This concept and the latter are all driven by Cloud Computing.

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